Ports & terminals

A good understanding of the weather conditions is key in the critical decisions that have to be made by port & terminal operators. Well in advance warnings of adverse conditions (storm, swell, lightning) is crucial to mitigate risks and adjust the planning in time.

Our accurate, port specific weather information helps operators to better act upon the weather conditions affecting their operations. You don’t want to miss an event which can result in hazardous situations, or delay operations or take any safety precautions when this is not required.

For (pre)feasibility  and design studies of new terminals or expansion of existing port facilities, we provide full environmental studies including dredging and sedimentation studies, operability analyses as well as input data for detailed coastal / harbour models.

An overview of our services for Port & Terminals is given below



Offshore Oil & Gas
Ports & Terminals

Marine Forecasts for Ports

The service provides a 7-day hour-by-hour look ahead of the waves, winds and tides for all the critical locations in the harbour and along vessel transit routes. Exactly where the data are needed for to ensure safe navigation and terminal operations.

Operational applications of the forecasting services include:

  • Managing port operations
  • Health and safety management
  • Sever weather warnings
  • Optimising berth usage
  • Surge prediction and mitigation planning

Services for Ports & Terminals

  • Ship routing & route analysis
  • Longwave generation, penetration and harbour resonance
  • Design statistics (waves, winds and currents)
  • Wave spectral transfer functions for ship channels
  • Sedimentation and dredge spoil dispersal

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